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« Last post by Cwfxpsco on Today at 08:26:47 pm »
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« Last post by Fdturfaj on Today at 02:08:07 pm »
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Getting started / PPC Branding/Design Concerns
« Last post by Excelsior on Today at 11:57:25 am »
I just want to express my concern about ppc branding. I sense that we are not giving the visual design elements the careful considerations they deserve.

We should NOT rush into having a logo made. We need to have a very professional and long-term attitude about all this. We need to make sure that we create highly polished, attractive and impressive designs in all regards. We should not just accept the first halfway decent logo and be stuck with it. I hate to bring up the name "pee pee coin", but it is a perfect example of what can regrettably happen when you don't or aren't able to give truly patient consideration (and get outside opinions) to branding (No offense Sunny, I understand what you were up against in finding a good name and domain).

Regarding logos:

When I look at the Bitcoin logo, I think, "Yeah, pretty good, but not great."

When I look at the Litecoin logo, I think, "Man, someone threw that out there and everyone accepted it when it's actually pretty bad."

I don't want this to happen with ppc. I see one or two people playing with creating ppc logos right now and I sense and see others starting to like certain coin logos that are being offered up - that are mediocre.

Sunny King has mentioned that it is too late to change the name Ppcoin because it would be too costly and difficult to change now... now that it is established. The same thing can VERY easily happen to the ppc logo. We are in danger of hastily accepting a logo that we later regret or just doesn't impress to the degree it could have.

Logos can and are tweaked down the road (Starbucks, Ebay, Pepsi, etc.) but they aren't changed a whole lot because of dangers of losing brand recognition. That's why the beginning logo is extremely important and requires due diligence and if necessary, patience in getting it right.

Let's get a lot of designers on this. Let's give this great attention. Let's make a logo that's impressive, excellent and worthy a new, brilliant world currency that just might last the ages.

We can do this.
Getting started / One Forum for Us
« Last post by Excelsior on Today at 11:39:57 am »
I think it would benefit us all if we made a concerted effort to stop ppc discussions on and did them here instead. It would help centralize and build the ppc community in my opinion.

That said, I would appreciate it if people could start posting this desire on and making it happen, however possible.

It would also help Sunny King be better focused in his conversations with us all.

Here's to ppc!
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Amongst the other tax preserving programs and techniques, National Discounts Certificate (NSC) is also a fantastic option. You can make huge investments over a interval of 6 decades. The least amount for expenditure is Rs 100. Nonetheless, the upper restrict is not preset. Like PPF, NSC will give you an certain return of eight% per annum. The interest growing per year also involves reinvestment, and is tax deductible less than Section 80C.
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A unexpected will need for revenue can come up in pretty small recognize. Underneath these kinds of situations, a individual loan can be a pretty fantastic source to increase money. These types of financial loans can appear in helpful when there is an fast necessity of hard cash. Personal financial loans are state-of-the-art by banking companies, economical institutions and non-public loan providers. Time stipulation for most personalized loans is concerning 1-five several years. In just the time interval, the personal financial loan quantity should be repaid. najtańsze ubezpieczenie oc. Many a times, the time period of time depends upon the borrower in the form of the number of EMIs he/she will select. Reduced the level of EMI, the for a longer time the period of the loan interval and higher the level of EMI, the shorter the duration of the bank loan.
Having said that, it will be incorrect to say that wniosek provident.are intended for borrowing only smaller loan amounts. Provident financial loans are as effective with larger bank loan quantities. You can borrow as substantial as 50,000 or a lot more with provident financial loans. Having said that, with more substantial quantities you would have to give collateral. Provident financial loans are rather modern with the form of collateral they inquire for. Gold and diamond jewellery can serve as collateral for your personal loan. There are other items that can provide as collateral. It is greater to seek advice from unique personal loan loan company you are dealing with about collateral.
Stephen Murray--Co-founder, President of Entertainment, Main Resourceful Officer 16 yr audio sector veteran with vast experience in artist relations and development. Served as Resourceful Director for a number of national music publications. Co-founder of 456 Digital, LLC with Carson Daly (MTV, NBC), Jonathan Rifkind (Sony, Loud) and Ryan A. chwilowki bez bik. Dadd.
This is a new way to procure the fund via the card approach. You have to know that this is not the credit card. It is totally diverse from the credit score card. Right here, you borrow the dollars in the card and devote when you demand.
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